Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Countess to become "DisCountess"

If you watch Bravo's "The Real Housewives of New York", then read on, this is uber juicy gossip. If you don't, feel free to skip it.

Well, in the theme of writing books contradictary to your life, Alex and Simon are writing a book on child rearing, Countess LuAnn is writing a book on etiquitte, and now, perhaps LuAnn and her husband can write a book about having a successful marriage. After 16 years of marriage, Countess LuAnn de Lesseps and her husband, The Count Alexandre de Lesseps are getting divorced. The "royal couple" have two children, Vicoria and Noel.

The Count is rarely seen on the show as he is out of the country 80% of the time. This leaves the Countess at home to raise the two children. Oh wait, she's never home. The housekeeper Rosie is there. Well, maybe these two should divorce and give custody to Rosie.

I'm not sure what caused these two to split but maybe the near 20 year difference in age coupled with her desire to be famous and his desire to be out of the country and her book tour and his supposed mistress...I could go on. You get the picture.

PS - Bethenny's the only one who wrote a book that isn't contradictary. "Naturally thin"...and guess what...she is.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Earthquake details

Below are the official results of the earthquake felt this afternoon:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Notre Dame needs to get over themselves

In 1977 President Jimmy Carter spoke to the graduating class at the University of Notre Dame. So did President Reagan in 1981 and President George W. Bush in 2001. It is a tradition for new Presidents to speak at the Notre Dame graduation but this year, there is some hesitation among the faculty at the nation's most prominent Catholic university to allow President Obama to speak due to his change in Bush policy which allows for federal funding for stem-cell research.

Really, Notre Dame? Do you really think you are that elitist that you can turn your nose up at the President of the United States? Not only a President, but the most signifigant election of our lifetime! Who do they think they are?! Oh wait, they are a Catholic institution, that answers my question. Having the President speak at your institution is an honor, no matter who you are or what your beliefs are. The Presidency is an institution. I was never a fan of 'W' but if given the opportunity to listen to him speak, I would have in a heartbeat. It's history.

It sounds like the University of Notre Dame came to their senses and will allow the President to speak after all despite their disgust at his desire to cure cancer with cells that would have been thrown away anyway. If they're so hell-bent at having an anti-stem cell research speaker there, they should just invite Newt Gingrich or Ann Coulter...see what kind of crowd they draw.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Watch President Obama on Leno

Here is the complete video of President Obama on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Enjoy

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The President does late night

If you'd like to see President Obama discussing the economy tonight, no need to watch MSNBC or C-Span. Just stay up until midnight and you can catch him bantering with Jay Leno. Yes, for the first time ever, a sitting President will be the headlining guest on late night TV. This could be a very good idea, as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno sees an average of five million viewers, or it could be a terrible one. We shall see later tonight...or tomorrow if you're like me and tivo-ing it.

Nite-nite: Ron Silver 1947-2009

Actor and activist Ron Silver, known for his award winnning performances on both stage and screen, died on Sunday after a two year battle with oesophagal cancer. He was most recently known for his role as Bruno Gianelli on my favorite show of all time, The West Wing. He played a political strategist who helped re-elect President Bartlett in season three. Then, he returned in the final season to reprise his role but turned to the repub candidate to help him get elected. He lost.

As it turns out, life does imitate art. Silver has always been an outspoken advocate for artists rights. He even co-founded an organization to champion this cause with Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon...two of the biggest tree hugging liberals in hollywood. However, after 9/11 he decided to back the repubs. He endorsed W in 2004 and even spoke at the republican convention. A talented actor with a brain and an opinion. There aren't too many, now there is one less. Rest in peace.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Still no winner?!

Well it has been four months since the election and while Barack Obama already has hung every last picture on the wall and every last box is unpacked in the White House (in fairness, the staff did all of that during the inauguration) Al Franken and Norm Coleman are STILL duking it out for the U.S. Senate job representing Minnesota. Al Franken currently holds a 225 vote lead against the incumbent repub but it's not over yet. Even though there has already been a by-hand recount, repubs are saying they will take it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Can't blame them, if Al Gore or John Kerry put up this much of a fight the last eight years might have gone differently.

Franken as Stuart Smalley on SNL circa 1995

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Judge throws the book at the show thrower

The Iraqi journalist who hurled both of his shoes at President George W. Bush was sentenced today to 3 years in prison. Muntadhar al-Zeidi, 30 could have received as much as 15 years but that was no consolation to his family, who fell to their knees and wept while shoe boy shouted "Long Live Iraq!" while being sentenced.

People are calling this sentence an outrage and that al-Zeidi should be considered a hero. Most of you who read this know that I am not a 'W' fan. However, this moron threw a shoe at the President. Regardless of your politics, you don't do that in my opinion. Let me know your opinion in the poll to the right.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who said it wouldn't last? ...oh wait, everybody.

Bristol Palin and her boyfriend, Levi Johnston have broken off their engagement just 2 & 1/2 months after their son Tripp was born. Yeah, Tripp. You'll remember Levi as the boy who had the "deer in the headlights" look throughout the Republican Convention in 2008. News that Bristol was pregnant emerged a couple weeks after John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate.

So, now this couple is no more. How will little Tripp ever get a stable upbringing without his parents together? What will God think of him? What will Sarah Palin think of him? What will the people who think God and Sarah Palin are the same think of him? Oh wait, who cares that they think. Kudos to this young couple for not giving into the pressures of forcing this kid to live in a house with parents who don't love eachother. Now, Tripp will have two parents that love him and don't spend their nights yelling at eachother behind the bedroom door. Tripp will be fine. How many of us grew up in what was known as a "broken" home and turned out just fine. My hand is up. Yours? Let's give another sigh of relief that Mayor Mooseburger didn't win the Vice Presidency because if she did, the pressure would really be on for these kids to get married. Now, this staunch republican family can get a taste of what half the country already deals with: divorced co-parenting. Aint that a Tripp.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nickelodeon sticks with Chris Brown

Nickelodeon has announced that they have no plans of removing Chris Brown from their list of nominees for favorite male singer and favorite song.

This doesn't sit well with me. I'm the first to say that the personal lives of these celebrities should not affect their future opportunities in their work-life but this is different. This isn't Alec Baldwin yelling at his daughter on a private voicemail or President Clinton having a private "session" with Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office. This is a children's event.

We, as adults can separate the two issues. On one hand, he beat up his girlfriend. On the other, he put out some great music and is nominated for two awards for it. Does he still deserve the recognition for it? That's a judgement call that everyone has to make on their own. But I repeat, this is a children's event. All they see is the pictures of Rhianna's battered face all over the internet and tv and they know that Chris Brown did it and next week they could see him winning awards. Uh-uh.

Despite his accomplishments in music, he is no role model for children and Nickelodeon should take responsibility and not chance him standing up there like some hero. Part of me thinks they are just doing this for the publicity. I mean, otherwise would anyone over the age of twelve even watch this awards show? If this children't network has any integrity they will keep him out. This is more important than ratings.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Best place to watch a movie in SF

I always thought that the only place I could sit in a comfy chair, have a beer and watch a movie was my living room. Last night I discovered, not so! We went to see "The Watchmen" at the Kabuki Theater in Japantown, SF. This theater is part of the Sundance chain run by Robert Redford. What a great theater. Comfy seats with plenty of room to stretch out and a bar upstairs. Grab a beer or two to bring to your seat before the movie! Oh, and you might want to grab a few more if you're going to see "The Watchmen" to help you get through it. It's almost three hours and weird.

Obama pays tribute to Christopher Reeve

President Obama ditched another lame Bush policy by lifting the ban on using federal funds for stem cell research. This is a huge step forward in the medical field. He paid tribute to Christopher Reeve and his wife Dana who both fought so hard for stem cell research. President Obama mentioned how much he wished the two of them could have been at the White House today when he signed the bill into law. Reeve died in 2004 and his wife Dana died of cancer in 2006.Nicely done, Mr. President. I'm sure Superman is proud.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pelosi gushes over Pitt

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was just one of many Washington heavy-hitters to meet with Brad Pitt on Thursday in Washington DC. The actor/activist also met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Ried. Oh, and President Barack Obama!! Pitt was in Washington to urge the lawmakers to nationalize his "Make It Right" campaign which is dedicated to rebuilding New Orleans.

Pitt's visit was definitely the talk of the Capitol yesterday. Congressional staffers (mostly women, some men) were seen milling about the halls nonchalantly with their cameras in hand...you know...just in case. Then Pitt rolled up in a darkened SUV with his staffers and bodyguards and you would have thought...well, you would have thought President Obama himself rolled up at a local high school. The place was filled with excited staffers which sounded more like giddy teenagers.

Brad Pitt is one of those rare celebrities who seems to truly believe in his causes. The reason I say that is that many celebrities, to their credit, donate a lot of money to causes they believe in. Brad Pitt is one of the rare ones that puts his money AND his time where is mouth is. Good for you, Benjamin Button. You may not have won the Oscar but a humanitarian award is definitely headed your way.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who would Jesus text?

WWJT? So, the Catholic Church is now asking their congregations to give up texting for lent. At the very least, they are asking for "No SMS on Fridays". The goal of this is to help Catholics remember the importance of concrete and not "virtual" relationships.

Now, I was an altar boy and went to Catholic Elementary and High School. I was raised a Catholic, and my mother still attends mass (fairly) regularly. I go to several weddings and funerals a year which provide a refresher for the mass I still know by heart. I get the concept of making sacrifices as Jesus did. But, really? Me not sending "R U busy 4 lunch" on a Friday is going to make a difference? Is that "sacrifice" really anything but an insult to the sacrifices that Jesus made? In my opinion, this is just the out-of-date out-of-touch Vatican's way of trying to stay relevant in today's society. Well, if they want to step into the 21st century...hell...the 20th century (yeah, I said hell) then they should be more tolerant of things such as divorce, pre-marital sex, and homosexuality. This lame attempt at showing they are with the times is just that...lame. What's next year? Pope Benedict instructing all those in St. Peter's Square to only watch non-HD channels on their plasmas?

I will text when I want. It doesn't mean I don't believe in Catholicism. It just means I don't believe in the church as an organization and their outdated ways. However, over a decade in Catholic school hasn't left me totally without Catholic guilt. You won't find me eating a hamburger these next few Fridays. If you don't believe me, text me this Friday. I'll respond.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Former HP CEO has Breast Cancer

Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard has announced that she has breast cancer. Fiorina is known for being a bulldog in the boardroom and one tough Repub. She campaigned for McCain but shrunk from the limelight after making a comment about how running a company is more challenging than running the country. She is also rumored to be planning a run for the U.S. Senate in California, hoping to unseat Barbara Boxer.

This woman is one tough Republican. Despite her views, I have a lot of respect for her. She fights tooth-and-nail for her beliefs and doesn't care what anyone thinks. She makes Hillary Clinton look like a Sunday school teacher. Let's hope she fights cancer with as much determination as she fights democrats. I say, lose the battle with Boxer but win the battle with cancer. Get well soon!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nite-nite: Paul Harvey 1918-2009

Radio host Paul Harvey died on Saturday. The cause....HE WAS 90. I know you're not supposed to speak ill of the dead sooo, I probably shouldn't be posting this blog. The truth is, I have nothing good to say about this man. He was an out of touch ultra conservative who would use his opinions about issues and infect them into his so-called "newscasts". To call him a journalist is a joke. He was a talk show host. Just because he did it for 150 years doesn't make him a legend. It just makes him old. He also whored himself out on a regular basis for any product that would put money in his pocket.

You'll notice the picture I chose is of President Bush awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The most prestigious civilian award. W thinks he is one of the most prestigious civilians. Hmm, I wonder why I don't like him.
Anyway, he was on the radio for a long time and made a lot of money and now he's dead. See Pauly boy, that is how you deliver an unbiased news story. ;)