Thursday, January 21, 2010

John Edwards finally mans-up

After years of secrets, infidelity, cheesy smiles, and flat-out lies, John Edwards has finally admitted that he fathered the daughter of his former videographer, Rielle Hunter. Man-of-the-year released a statement and said "I am Quinn's Father" after hearing that a former aide is about to release a tell-all book about Edwards and his failed Presidential campaigns.

In July, 2007 Edwards renewed his wedding vows with his wife of 30 years, Elizabeth; who has been battling incurable bone cancer since 2007. About eight months later, the child was born. Classy.

God Bless you Elizabeth Edwards. Your son dies, your husband cheats, and you have cancer. It's not fair but you handle it with such grace.

As for former Senator haircut, do us all a favor and step out of the public limelight. You have embarrassed your family and your party. I'm so over your lying interviews and speeches. I'd rather watch Jersey Shore than you on Oprah again. Even The Situation would probably make a better husband.

Cindy McCain "comes out" for marriage equality!

Cindy McCain, wife of John McCain contacted the folks at the NOH8 campaign and requested a photo shoot to show her opposition to Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California. The would-be first lady most likely heard about this from her daughter, Mehgan McCain, who is an avid gay rights activist...and yes....a Republican. You can be a Republican and not hate gay people. I know lots of them. Well, a few.

Anyway, what an awesome statement from the spouse of the leader of the Republican party!! Her husband does not share her opinion on gay marriage; at least not publicly. Either way, I think it says a lot about all of the McCains. Including Senator McCain. His wife has her own opinion and is free to speak it. He commented on Imus this morning that their conversations at home about the subject are "spirited". I bet. Although I'm not entirely convinced that personally, he's as against marriage equality as he says but I'll take his word for it.

Thank you, Cindy McCain for taking such a courageous stand on marriage equality!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Another uninvited guest gets into the White House?!?!

This is ridiculous. Is it just me? Am I the only one thoroughly disturbed at the fact that there has now been another person identified as getting into the same White House dinner that media-whores Tareq and Michaele Solahi go into?!

The secret service announced that a third unidentified person was able to get through security and attend the White House state dinner for India's prime minister. Apparently he arrived with members of the delegation but was not on the Secret Service's prescreened list of approved guests.

The Secret Service says that the man did not get near the President of First Lady. Really? How do they know? Oh, they must have checked the man's facebook.

The Secret Service director has said that the security breach was his agency's fault but the President was never at risk. Umm, how do you put the words: Secret-Service-Security-Breach-President-never-at-risk in one sentence?!

If I were President Obama, I'd be looking for a more thorough security Paul Blart mall cop.