WWJT? So, the Catholic Church is now asking their congregations to give up texting for lent. At the very least, they are asking for "No SMS on Fridays". The goal of this is to help Catholics remember the importance of concrete and not "virtual" relationships.
Now, I was an altar boy and went to Catholic Elementary and High School. I was raised a Catholic, and my mother still attends mass (fairly) regularly. I go to several weddings and funerals a year which provide a refresher for the mass I still know by heart. I get the concept of making sacrifices as Jesus did. But, really? Me not sending "R U busy 4 lunch" on a Friday is going to make a difference? Is that "sacrifice" really anything but an insult to the sacrifices that Jesus made? In my opinion, this is just the out-of-date out-of-touch Vatican's way of trying to stay relevant in today's society. Well, if they want to step into the 21st century...hell...the 20th century (yeah, I said hell) then they should be more tolerant of things such as divorce, pre-marital sex, and homosexuality. This lame attempt at showing they are with the times is just that...lame. What's next year? Pope Benedict instructing all those in St. Peter's Square to only watch non-HD channels on their plasmas?
I will text when I want. It doesn't mean I don't believe in Catholicism. It just means I don't believe in the church as an organization and their outdated ways. However, over a decade in Catholic school hasn't left me totally without Catholic guilt. You won't find me eating a hamburger these next few Fridays. If you don't believe me, text me this Friday. I'll respond.
haha, good points. the vatican is out of touch with a lot. but they are on youtube. go figure. maybe they won't be posting new videos on fridays???
Oh my gosh, I must say I think you speak for so many. Jesus would be proud.