Really, Notre Dame? Do you really think you are that elitist that you can turn your nose up at the President of the United States? Not only a President, but the most signifigant election of our lifetime! Who do they think they are?! Oh wait, they are a Catholic institution, that answers my question. Having the President speak at your institution is an honor, no matter who you are or what your beliefs are. The Presidency is an institution. I was never a fan of 'W' but if given the opportunity to listen to him speak, I would have in a heartbeat. It's history.
It sounds like the University of Notre Dame came to their senses and will allow the President to speak after all despite their disgust at his desire to cure cancer with cells that would have been thrown away anyway. If they're so hell-bent at having an anti-stem cell research speaker there, they should just invite Newt Gingrich or Ann Coulter...see what kind of crowd they draw.
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