Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nickelodeon sticks with Chris Brown

Nickelodeon has announced that they have no plans of removing Chris Brown from their list of nominees for favorite male singer and favorite song.

This doesn't sit well with me. I'm the first to say that the personal lives of these celebrities should not affect their future opportunities in their work-life but this is different. This isn't Alec Baldwin yelling at his daughter on a private voicemail or President Clinton having a private "session" with Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office. This is a children's event.

We, as adults can separate the two issues. On one hand, he beat up his girlfriend. On the other, he put out some great music and is nominated for two awards for it. Does he still deserve the recognition for it? That's a judgement call that everyone has to make on their own. But I repeat, this is a children's event. All they see is the pictures of Rhianna's battered face all over the internet and tv and they know that Chris Brown did it and next week they could see him winning awards. Uh-uh.

Despite his accomplishments in music, he is no role model for children and Nickelodeon should take responsibility and not chance him standing up there like some hero. Part of me thinks they are just doing this for the publicity. I mean, otherwise would anyone over the age of twelve even watch this awards show? If this children't network has any integrity they will keep him out. This is more important than ratings.

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