Thursday, May 7, 2009

Elisabeth H sitting a little less comfortably to the right on "The View"

I like Elisabeth Hasselbeck. I have for a long time. I have said before on this blog that, although I agree with little that she says, I admire her for standing up and saying it. She has her beliefs and she is proud of them but she never tries to disregard anyone elses. She has admittedly broadened her "View" (pardon the pun) and opened her mind in recent years. This is an excellent example of that.

Remember that douchebag "Joe the Plumber" who's name isn't Joe and isn't even a plumber? Yeah, the bald guy that looks like he keeps a chew spit cup wedged between his 1984 Chevy Silverado bench seat and truck door. You know the one, with the gun rack on the back and the "W" sticker hastily stuck over the "Dole/Kemp 96" sticker. Well, he opened his mouth (which probably reaks of Copenhagen and Coors Light) to the "news" paper "Christianity Today" and lovingly referred to gays as queers and spoke about how he would never let his children near them.

The little Conservative powerhouse Elisabeth spoke up against him on the View today and said that as a repub, she wants no part of him. Good for you Elisabeth! (Since it's spelled with an 'S', can we say good job Lis?...anyway) I can't believe this guy's 15 minutes are still going strong. He played such an intregal part in the demise of the McCain/Palin campaign, you would think the repubs would have cast him aside and disowned him like the gay son they (think they) never had. Maybe him and Ms. Loser U.S.A. should get together and ride that Silverado into the sunset together. Careful Miss Cal, don't get your veil caught in the gunrack.

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