Ok, so I'm still getting used to this concept. I know I need to let go of my bitterness towards the previous administration, but it's just such a contrast from the Bush administration to the Obama administration.
Today, Obama took total responsibility for the failed nominees he put up for his cabinet. "I screwed up". Those were President Obama's words. He nominated two capable people who just happened to have tax issues in their past. Imagine that, elected officials with tax issues. Not good, but it happens and this President took responsibility.
I know, I know, get over the past...but we have yet to hear those words from George W. Bush. Didn't he "screw up"? 9/11, Katrina, Guantanamo Bay, torture, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Cheney, I could go on and on. And on. Ok, I'm letting go now.
So, not a good week so far for President Obama, but a refreshing one for us. We can deal with mistakes, everyone makes them. It's nice to have a leader who owns up to it.
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