It's been 5 whole days since civilian Sarah Palin left her post as Governor of Alaska and since then, her fans and supporters have been walking around like zombies bumping into walls not knowing what to do without her stoic leadership. Obviously, I'm being dramatic... her leadership wasn't
that stoic. So, all these Palin-ites are pleading with her through Facebook and Twitter to give them some sign that she hasn't dropped off the Earth. (They think it was formed 2000 years ago and is flat, you know). But, not a peep from Mayor Mooseburger. What? Nobody has seen her? How can this be? I'd hardly think she could go anywhere without getting recognized. You mean, she hasn't been spotted
in Alaska?! TMZ hasn't caught her trying to leave Wasilla Hardware? The valet at the Anchorage Applebees didn't snap an iphone pic and load it on his blog?
Yes, as shocking as it is, Palin has gone dark...for now. Rest assured Palin-ites, she will rise up again with a new determination to take over the world. 2012? Maybe. I think she's looking for the money more than the power now, so I expect her to go on a 50 city book tour any day now. Oh, well she has to write a book first. Maybe that's what she's doing. I also wouldn't be surprised if we see her as the guest co-host on The View when Elisabeth Hasslebeck pops out baby number 7 or whatever this one is.
Gone for good? No way Jose (the name she uses for anyone with darker skin than Alaskans...like Oregonians) Back in the spotlight in a matter of weeks? You betcha.
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