In a matter of hours, at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, a demonstration will be given on how to take control of an iphone remotely through a specially constructed SMS message. The fear is, that once explained publicly at the conference, anyone with sitting in the audience with an iphone and a bad attitude, could start releasing this virus. The virus could spread quickly through the iphone community which could cause mass hysteria since lately it seems there are more people with iphones than with jobs.
There is a way to identify these "virus texts"; look for a small square character in your SMS messages. c If you discover this, turn your iphone off immediately and leave it off for a couple hours. I realize to you iphone users this sounds like "just hold your breath for two hours" but you will survive, trust me (says the bitter blackberry user).
Apple has yet to release a patch for this but if they do, I will post a link. In the meantime tweet, poke, and ping with caution.
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