My take on politics, some pop culture, restaurants, life in San Francisco, pets, and anything else that pops into my head.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Heated White House exchange
He made a good point at the end, stating that they should get back to more important things, "like 98,000 men and women in Afghanistan" True, but I think they use the war as an excuse when they don't want to talk about a subject.
"How did those party crashers get into the White House?!"
"Why are we talking about this, there's a war going on!"
"Why is the President keeping Bernanke on?"
"Why are we talking about this, there's a war going on!"
"Will sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan speed up the completion of our mission there?"
"Why are we talking about this, ther.....oh..."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Campbell elects first gay, Asian-American mayor!

Yes, my sleepy little hometown, Campbell, California has elected a new mayor. The Campbell City Council elected Evan Low to be Campbell's newest mayor in a Tuesday night vote. He is 26, Asian-American, and gay.
Low grew up in San Jose, but moved to Campbell eight years ago. He ran for city council unsuccessfuly in 2004, but won a seat in 2006. He says he never considered moving to a larger, more gay friendly city such as San Francisco. "For me, it's about making a difference in the community I live in." he said in an interview "Campbell is my home".
He's taking a grass roots approach to increasing the tolerance level in this country. Don't get me wrong, it's great that we have Gavin "It's gonna happen, like it or not" Newsom in San Francisco, but IT'S SAN FRANCISCO. Although I appreciate his preaching to the choir, it's time to raise the awareness level in smaller towns such as Campbell. This is a small, quiet step in the right direction.
Congratulations Mr. Mayor!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!
- Sarah Palin's new book (which I'm currently reading, review to follow)
- The Fort Hood tragedy
- The White House party crashers (someone put them and the Gosselin's on an island with no TV cameras PLEASE)
- Joy Behar's new show on HLN
- Holloween
- ....and the best show on TV, Modern Family
I won't try and catch up on all these topics, just move ahead as there are bound to be plenty more topics and train wrecks to discuss as we close out 2009.
I also changed the blog header pic. Used to be a black-and-white I took of the Golden Gate Bridge. I took this new one of our beautiful city skyline from Dolores Park at dusk. Please visit soon for more updates. In the meantime, here's one thing I've been up to:
Went to see the Christmas Tree lighting in Union Square on Friday. Mayor Newsom did the countdown. They have a lot in common, him and the tree. Both tall and majestic. Fortunately, I think this time only the tree was lit.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
This is why I don't ride MUNI...

I have seen too many accidents, rude drivers, and now fights to use MUNI as my preferred form of transportation. I will take it on occasion, but only when absolutely necessary. Otherwise I will drive, cab it, or most preferably, scoot. Just my luck one of these crazy women will cut me off as I scoot down Market. Here's hoping they are permanent MUNI riders and not drivers!
Not gonna lie, quite entertaining to watch:
Friday, October 2, 2009
Joy Behar, Ann Coulter debate Sarah Palin
I love Joy Behar, and I love to hate Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter so this made for a very interesting segment for me. Enjoy:
Friday, September 25, 2009
President Clinton changes his view on gay marriage...for the better!

Boycott Manchester Hotels!

Doug Manchester, the owner of The Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel and The Grand del Mar Resort in San Diego donated $125,000 to anti-gay campaigners to help get Prop 8 on the ballot.(No, I did not add links to the hotels because A)We shouldn't be helping their website get hits and B) I don't want to tempt you...the hotels are actually quite beautiful)
Now, "Papa Doug" as he is known has reached out to some groups, offering to donate $125,000 to civil union groups. But, he is non-wavering in his opposition to same-sex marriage. Anti prop 8 groups are no less wavering as they have vowed a second year of boycotts and campaigns to increase boycotts on the Manchester hotels.
The boycott has so far cost Doug Manchester over $7 million dollars, and that's just for the Hyatt property! He has yet to apologize and refuses to meet with boycott leaders.
So, go ahead Mr. Manchester, donate another $125,000 when it comes up on the ballot again in 2010. $125K initial buy-in with a negative $7 million return? What a savvy investment.
Here is a link that I will give you:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Protect the insurance companies! ;)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Gavin Newsom welcomes baby daughter!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
PARK(ing) Day - Cute, but annoying

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
President Obama calls Kanye a jackass *audio*
Listen to in HERE
Monday, September 14, 2009
Nite-nite: Patrick Swayze 1952-2009

Kelly Clarkson calls out Kanye better than anybody

Anyway, I have a new reason to love her. This nice, innocent girl from Texas called out Kanye on his dick-move last night better than anyone. Here is her blog entry from her website:
Monday, September 14, 2009
Kanye West
Dear Kanye, What happened to you as a child?? Did you not get hugged enough?? Something must have happened to make you this way and I think we're all just curious as to what would make a grown man go on national television and make a talented artist, let alone teenager, feel like shit. I mean, I've seen you do some pretty shitty things, but you just keep amazing me with your tactless, asshole ways. It's absolutely fascinating how much I don't like you. I like everyone. I even like my asshole ex that cheated on me over you...which is pretty odd since I don't even personally know you. The best part of this evening is that you weren't even up for THIS award and yet you still have a problem with the outcome. Is winning a moon man that much of a life goal?? You can have mine if it will shut you up. Is it that important, really??
I was actually nominated in the same category that Taylor won and I was excited for why can't you be?? I'm not even mad at you for being an asshole...I just pity you because you're a sad human being.
On a side note, Beyonce has always been a class act and proved again tonight that she still is. Go TEXAS!!
Taylor Swift, you outsell him ....that's why he's bitter. You know I love your work! Keep it up girl!KC :)
Kelly Clarkson is awesome, for yet one more reason. Cool beans.
Review: Little Ark Grooming Shop SF

My initial reaction was to give this place one Reba. The second Reba is what I call the "benefit of the doubt" Reba. The Little Ark Grooming Shop looks like it could be a nice place to take your pet but my experience was very much one star. I called Little Ark on a Sunday morning to see if I could get my dog, Jarvis' nails trimmed. He's 10 and does NOT like this process so I have to sit with him through it. I used to take him to the Petsmart in Daly City as I lived closer at the time. But since I now live in Hayes Valley, this is way more convenient.
So, I showed up at Little Ark at about 11am on Sunday. There was nobody in the lobby but there was a female employee in the back with all the dogs, she was trying to get to one of the kennels and yelled "move!" to a dog in her way. Now, I say that to Jarvis all the time when he's under my feet. But, he's MY DOG. I don't expect him to be yelled at like that at a groomery. Is that hypocritical? Oh well. Anyway, that was strike one.
So, she came to the front and said "can I help you?" I said "Yes, I'd like to get his nails trimmed" to which she quickly replied "Is he good through it?" I said "No" and before I even got to explain, she ROLLED HER EYES. Really? Strike two. Anyway, I finished my sentence after her dramatic eye roll "No, he doesn't like it and needs me to sit with him" She said "Ok, we'll do it right here then" She quickly pulled out the cutters, I got my dog comfortable on the floor with me and she went to work. She didn't say a word, just trimmed his nails. I guess I'm used to the girls at Petsmart who would reassure him while they cut his nails. That's fine though, I reassured him. No filing, no frills. Just cut and "That's it. Done" I said "Good boy! All done" to which he gleefully jumped up. This was apparently a bit much for her as he's tall and she turned her face away dramatically and said "Ok! Ok!" as in "get your big dog out of my face" Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was a grooming shop. It's like hiring a nanny that holds your baby at arms length. You signed up for this, don't act you are sitting on my couch as a guest and my dog jumped in your lap. Strike three.
Bottom line, she is the reason for the low rating. I have a feeling this place probably has some very animal friendly staff. I mean, it's in the Duboce Triangle, right outside the Castro. Probably the most animal friendly neighborhood in SF. But, this girl? Uh-uh. Not animal friendly. I guess I'll continue to make the drive out to Daly City. Jarvis is 10 and deserves five star treatment. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a burden from someone in the wrong job with a one star personality.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Nite-nite: Gertrude Baines 1894-2009

This is the part that gets me: Her doctor does not know the exact cause of death but an autopsy is scheduled to be performed. Are you kidding me?!?! Umm, Dr. Witt (her physician), save your time and money. I'm going to announce the cause of death right here, right now...ready? SHE WAS ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. There. Please add to the death certificate.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Facebook - Relax people, it's just a website HILARIOUS VIDEO!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ben and Jerry's renames famous flavor in support of gay marriage

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Death calculator predicts when you might die
The website, will give you answers based on several questions. It compares mortality risks age, gender, and geographic region. For instance, the increased or decreased chance of death from cancer based on your location.
Nite-nite: Ted Kennedy 1932-2009

Review: La Fayette Hotel - San Diego

So, we were cautiously optimistic about the La Fayette. The pictures looked nice, but how could it be so cheap? A standard room was $69/night. What's the catch? We arrived late Monday night and discovered...there was no catch! It's just a nice hotel at a very reasonable price. Now, it's not some lavish five star resort. But, it's clean, the staff is friendly, it has a nice pool and nice rooms. When do you get all of those things for $69 a night?!
If you plan to visit San Diego and don't feel like shelling out $400 a night to stay at the Del but want a nice, safe place to rest your head. Check out the La Fayette.
The La Fayette Hotel in San Diego gets 4 Rebas

Friday, August 21, 2009
Day One in Los Angeles - TMZ!
If you haven't been to LA lately, this is what you are missing. Caught a pic of this former Mrs. Hollywood and Vine 1971. Ok, I know my mom is going to get mad at me for posting that. Sorry Ma. Well, I’ve been in LA for about 24 hours. We got in last night and checked in to our hotel and went out for a bit. Fun night. Our friend Matt came out with us. Then, this morning my friend Antonio picked me up and took me to TMZ, where he used to work. It was awesome, I got to meet all the people I watch on TV and check out how the operation works. Totally fascinating. Thank you again, Antonio. Love ya Lots.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Meghan McCain, E.D. Hill to guest co-host The View

McCain was a supporter of her father but is also an outspoken supporter of the NOH8 Campaign and has spoken in favor of gay marriage. "I was so honored to be asked to pose for the NOH8 campaign. I am a proud member of the Republican Party and a proud supporter of marriage equality" Meghan said in an interview; "Marriage equality is not just a Democrat or Republican issue, it is a human one"

Both women have been guest co-hosts in the past. I like Meghan McCain, I don't like E.D. Hill; but I'll watch both. The fireworks from these women make for good TV. I'm not as big a fan of the "kindler, gentler View". I miss the shouting matches between Hasselbeck and Rosie. Hey, maybe put Rosie on with E.D. Hill. We'll see how long it takes Rosie to climb over that oak table and strangle her.
Cher and Chaz! - Coming this fall

Roseanne Barr, or Roseanne Arnold, or just Roseanne, whatever her name is, is now producing an internet TV show called "Cher and Chaz" a docu-mockery about the life of Cher and her Chaz Bono. This is a 3 minute intro clip. I have two warnings. One, if you are at work, you might want to keep the volume down, the language what you would expect in a Cher/Chaz Bono conversation. The second warning, it's not really funny. The theme song is the best part of it.
I'll put it to you, is it funny? Is it over the top? Is it crossing the line? Remember, Roseanne put this out. She crossed the line 25 years ago and hasn't stepped back behind it since. Which is why I like her.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lombard Street turns into Candyland for sick kids

Hasbro, Inc. turned the famous crooked street, Lombard into a larger-than-life candyland board today to celebrate the board game's 60th anniversary.
Patients from UCSF's Children's Hospital dressed up as colored game pieces and played on the "board game" which was roughly 30,000 times the size of the regular game.
Lombard was closed for the day today, but the residence didn't seem to mind as they watched on from their front porches. One of those random, fun, only-in-San-Francisco events.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Baby Stewie OUTED!

It will be interesting to see how they handle this subject in the coming season; if they do at all. Perhaps they can broach the subject with Karl Rove or Rush Limbaugh, both of which are scheduled to appear in the '09/'10 season.
Family Guy is the first animated show in history to be nominated for a "Best Comedy" Emmy.
Kathy Griffin does NOH8 video
Enjoy :)
Funny Presidential Town Hall protester signs

The one sign in the middle pretty much sums up the rest of them. I mean, look at the guy with the confederate flag tshirt and the "Abolish Federal Government" sign.
This might be my favorite sign, definitely an issue I'd like to see go before the Supreme Court. I hope Sotomayor has a dry sense of humor.
I don't know what I like more about this guy, the fact that he came out to poke fun at the protesters, or that he's just strolling through the angry crowd on his cell phone.
Ahh, our well informed youth. These girls are trying to keep young Chinese people from killing your Grandma. It's an epidemic.
Probably the best pic of them all. Ummm, you might want to get spell check lady. Otherwise, your issue seems a bit personal.
Thanks to the Huffington Post for a lot of these signs
New Reba CD released today!

I know most of you could care less about this, but as a lot of you know I've been a crazy Reba FANatic for about 20 years. Geez, I'm getting old. It all started when I used to go to Los Banos to spend the weekend with my friend Jason when we were in the 8th grade and his mom, Michele would play Reba the whole way.
20 years, about 16 concerts, and one very exciting meet-and-greet later, I'm as big a fan as ever. She still sounds and looks amazing. I can't wait to pick up the new CD. (Headed to Target after my 10am meeting). I'll let y'all (ha) know how it is! Should I rate it? Do I use Rebas to rate Reba? That seems inappropriate. You know I'd just give it 5 anyway. :)
You can watch a video interview with Reba about the new album here
Monday, August 17, 2009
Brad Pitt has the right idea
Here's a clip from their conversation where Brad discusses religion, politics, and gay marriage. There was talk about him running for mayor of New Orleans. He's done more for NOLA than anybody. He should def run for office. He has such a logical approach to issues. He just needs to shave that goatee. Thanks for the clip, Antonio
Dancing with the Stars cast announced

Kelly Osbourne and Melissa Joan Hart will join 14 other competitors on this season's DWTS. I used to hate this show and somehow now I'm sucked in. It must be the witty banter and sexual tension between Tom Bergeron and Bruno Tonioli. The show used to be somewhat of a joke because of their consistent D-list cast; but in recent seasons they have stepped up the calibur of contestents. They threw in a few B and C listers, which they have done again this year. Still, a healthy amount of D listers. My fave contestent this year is Tom DeLay. The ultra-conservative Repub from Congress who resigned after getting indicted for campaign finance issues.
Other contestents include Debi Mazar, Entourage actress and friend of Madonna who posed for NoH8. Macy Gray, Kathy Ireland, Mya, and some sports people. Oh, and the son of George Hamilton and Alana Stewart. Yeah, like I said, healthy dose of D's this year. It will be fun to watch Kelly Osbourne and Debi Mazar though, love them.
Tom DeLay will be entertaining too. Oh, I almost forgot Donny Osmond. I'm sure Marie will be right there in the audience every week. Maybe he'll faint too. Did wonders for their ratings and got her the Jenny Craig gig.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Plane/Helicopter crash in NY caught on tape!

An Italian tourist, who was still learning to work his new video camera, caught on tape the helicopter/plane collision over the Hudson River earlier this week. Nine people were killed in the crash. Supposedly, the air traffic controller was on a personal phone call during the crash and the tower supervisor who was supposed to be in the tower, wasn't. They are not charged with anything at the moment and there is no evidence that this lead to the crash but both were suspended without pay.
The video, though choppy footage, is still tough to watch.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hey, crazy. Stay away from my President please

So this Lee-Harvey-esque nutjob shows up at a Presidential event carrying a sign that says "The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants". Fine, protesters are allowed to march and say their peace. One of the greatest Constitutional rights in this country is the freedom of speech. No argument there. The problem is, he showed up with a gun strapped to his leg. Ummm, anyone else see a problem with this?
I'm not only a first amendment proponent, I'm very much a fan of the second amendment. I enjoy shooting guns, have no problem with them, and value the right that I have to walk into a store and purchase one. Having said that, there is a time and a place and a PRESIDENTIAL EVENT IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!
This crazy was on Hardball with Chris Matthews yesterday. (Whom I'm a huge fan of. He's by far my favorite journalist on television). Nutty's argument is that he was trying to make a statement about the many rights in this country that he feels are being stripped away.
Check out the video of wacky's (ok, guess I'll give his name, William Kostric) exchange with Matthews on Hardball. Chris really hits him about the stupidity of his move at 2:45.
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World's Biggest Waterslide
Wasn't that awesome? FAKE! It's a new ad for Microsoft Germany. The guy who goes down the slide is tethered and never leaves the ground. The guy flying through the air is computer generated. Piece that together with a splash and a wet guy that emerges from the tiny pool, and you have the greatest hoax ever!
Will someone please shut off the internet service to Wasilla?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Farmer's Market Cocktail night!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
No surfing at Stinson...unless you want to be lunch
Nite-nite: Eunice Kennedy Shriver 1921-2009

Monday, August 10, 2009
Kathy Griffin and Sarah Palin at Thanksgiving?!?

Now, look at this poor kid. He looks scared to death. Does he have any other look? He had that same moose-in-the-headlights look standing on stage at the Repub Convention with his pregnant Palin. It's that "oh sh&t, what did I get myself into?!" look. Here's a suggestion Levi, STOP GETTING YOURSELF INTO SH&T! You think this is going to make it easier for you to spend time with that baby? I mean, come on. Michael Jackson's pharmacist makes better judgement calls (sorry, still in "Roast" mode).
Anyway, this had to piss off the Palin's and that's good enough for me :) Love Kathy Griffin. If the rumor's about the Palin marriage are true, Kathy just might show up at the Emmy's with Todd!
"Can you call it a roast when you're that old? More like a cremation"

That was my own joke to roast Joan Rivers. Not bad, huh? What do you want from me, I'm not a comedian. Neither were half of the roasters! Bah-dum-bum.
Kathy Griffin hosted the Roast of Joan Rivers on Comedy Central. It was hilarious. A lot of jokes about old people, plastic surgery, and ....well, that's pretty much what every joke was about, told in many funny ways by many funny people. Here's a small sampling from Jeff Ross. If you want to watch it in its entirety, you ca probably catch it about 50 more times this week.
Roast of Joan Rivers | Sun, Aug 9 10pm / 9c | |||
Jeffrey Ross - On Joan Rivers | |||| | ||||
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I think I'll take a boat to Brooklyn
...and the winner is.....

Hmmm, nah. Mr. Jessica-Parker won fair and square.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Debi Mazar poses for NOH8 campaign

Debi Mazar joined the growing number of celebrities joining the NOH8 Campaign.
Some other celebs donating their mugs to the campaign are:
Leslie Jordan
Claudia Jordan
Ross Mathews
Kathy Griffin and Team Griffin
Shanna Moakler
Gloria Allred
Hal Sparks
Rachel Zoe
Lisa Ling
Ted Stryker
...and the list is growing!
PS - The guy applying her decal is the same that applied mine!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Madame Justice

Twitter hackers!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Restaurant review: SPQR

Tommy and I had dinner at the small Italian restaurant SPQR. This Roman inspired osteria in the Fillmore district was recommended by friends. We arrived at about 8pm and the place was bustling. There are maybe 20 tables with just enough room to squeeze by in between to make your way to on

We ended up ordering their three antipasti deal and splitting one entree. We ordered fresh ricotta, summer squash, toasted pinenuts, and crostini bread. Followed by pork sausage, then corn fritters with pancetta. All delicious. Each were small portions but they were so rich they were just enough. This was followed by our main course, Rigatoni Carbonara with pork and pecorino. Delicious! A rather small portion to split, but again so rich that we couldn't eat another bite.
Emily was awesome, she knew everything there was to know about Tommy's wine selection. Even the details of the winery and the region in Italy where it comes from! Great service, a busy, but comfortable atmosphere, and rich flavorful food.
I've decided to come up with a rating system for movies, restaurants, etc. Since I am a HUGE Reba fan, I'm going to make my rating Rebas. So, here goes my first rating. I give SPQR.....


What else can you say about President Clinton? The man is still the most powerful man in the world in my opinion. You all know I'm a huge fan of President Obama, but Bill Clinton is a force. You think George W. Bush could have flown to North Korea and recued those journlaists? No way. I don't even know that President Obama has that kind of influence (yet). President Bill Clinton is probably the most respected man in the world. He deserves to be.
My only question is, I wonder how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton felt about that? Isn't that her territory? Well, to her credit, she stepped aside and let him take the lead...again.
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