When you read the names Ben and Jerry, you are probably reading the packaging of ice cream. Unless, you live in the state of Vermont, where, as of today, you could be reading a same sex wedding invitation. Yes, effective September 1, 2009, gay marriage is officially legal in the state of Vermont and, to celebrate, Ben and Jerry's is changing the name of it's famous "Chubby Hubby" ice cream to "Hubby Hubby"! The newly (and temporarily) re-branded packaging will be available across the state of Vermont and will feature two grooms.
In a statement, a Ben and Jerry's rep said "In partnership with Freedom to Marry we are gathered here to celebrate Vermont and all the other great states where loving couples of all kinds are free to marry legally. We have ceremoniously dubbed our iconic flavor, Chubby Hubby to Hubby Hubby in support, and to raise awareness of the importance of marriage equality."
Way to go Ben and Jerry's! I just wish they offered the packaging here in California. Now there are two things that I can get in Vermont that I can't get here. Way cool gay friendly ice cream and treated equally. Some day.
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