(Special thanks to my mom for the quite appropriate title)
Arlen Specter, long time Republican from Pennsylvania, announced today that he will switch parties from Repub to Democrat. "I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans," Senator Specter said today. The 79 year old is trying to solidify his chances of winning re-election. This will give the Dems 59 senate seats. One seat shy of the 60 needed for a Fillerbuster-proof majority.
Is there any way for the Democrats to get to 60 seats?

Al Franken, who has been in a record-breaking election recount mess since November, will most likely be determined the winner of the still vacant Minnesota Senate seat. Franken, who has been battling Repub Norm Coleman has been ahead for months but Coleman refuses to concede. For the record, over 60% of Minnesotans would like Coleman to concede.
In any case, a Filler-buster proof majority is in the Democrat's grasp. Giving the Democrats a blank check to write legislature. Is this a good thing? Even a bleeding-heart liberal like myself is only cautiously in favor of this. This would all but silence the voice of dissent in the United States Senate. Something that this nation was built on: The powerful voice of the minority. Though, after 8 diasterous years, American's were so disgusted, they pretty much would have put an Olsen twin in office if they were registered a Democrat. So, we, the people of the United States voted for this fillerbuster-proof majority. Our turn to make change...or make a mess. Time will tell.
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