My take on politics, some pop culture, restaurants, life in San Francisco, pets, and anything else that pops into my head.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tick-tock, minute 15 rapidly approaching
Miss U.S.A. LOSER Carrie Prejean has decided to capitalize on her now famous pageant misstep by campaigning for "Traditional" marriage. The 21 year old runner-up announced that she is teaming up with the nothing-better-to-do-with-their-time group the National Organization for Marriage to help promote marriage inequality. I mean, wow. Does that group really have such low celebrity support that they have to call on a late night TV punchline to champion their backwards cause? I guess they do. So, enjoy your 15 minutes of fame Miss almost U.S.A., nice to see you are using it to help further a cause of hate and inequality. I'd say her crown must be on too tight but...she doesn't have one.
Miss California reading a bible verse. I hope she had somebody near by to read it to her while she was getting spray tanned and oiled up for the bikini competition.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The swine flew

(Special thanks to my mom for the quite appropriate title)
Arlen Specter, long time Republican from Pennsylvania, announced today that he will switch parties from Repub to Democrat. "I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans," Senator Specter said today. The 79 year old is trying to solidify his chances of winning re-election. This will give the Dems 59 senate seats. One seat shy of the 60 needed for a Fillerbuster-proof majority.
Is there any way for the Democrats to get to 60 seats?

Al Franken, who has been in a record-breaking election recount mess since November, will most likely be determined the winner of the still vacant Minnesota Senate seat. Franken, who has been battling Repub Norm Coleman has been ahead for months but Coleman refuses to concede. For the record, over 60% of Minnesotans would like Coleman to concede.
In any case, a Filler-buster proof majority is in the Democrat's grasp. Giving the Democrats a blank check to write legislature. Is this a good thing? Even a bleeding-heart liberal like myself is only cautiously in favor of this. This would all but silence the voice of dissent in the United States Senate. Something that this nation was built on: The powerful voice of the minority. Though, after 8 diasterous years, American's were so disgusted, they pretty much would have put an Olsen twin in office if they were registered a Democrat. So, we, the people of the United States voted for this fillerbuster-proof majority. Our turn to make change...or make a mess. Time will tell.
Happy Birthday Jay!

Jay Leno celebrates his 59th birthday today. There was brief question as to if he'd be able to celebrate when he was hospitalized last week for an undisclosed illness. Jay missed the taping of the Tonight Show for the first time in 17 years. Other than scheduled time off, Jay has never had a "sick day". We're glad he's back. Before you know it, he'll be handing the torch to that tall goofy Irish guy, Conan O'Brien. Below is a clip of last night's "Tonight Show" where Jay amusingly discusses his hospital stay.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Fox puts fiction over fact...what a shock.

Fox news has refused accept President Obama's request to air his news conference on Wednesday. Really? A failing economy, sky-high unemployment, failing banks, automakers, a possible Pandemic, maybe even the close-minded Fox viewers might actually poke their heads out of the dirt to hear what he has to say. They'll have to switch to MSNBC or CNN then. For those repubs who refuse to hear anything he has to say, enjoy your episode of the Tim Roth drama, "Lie to Me". That's what Fox is airing in it's place. Why are they even allowed to be called a news organization? My blog is less biased! Ugh.
Betty White and Rue McClanahan remember Bea Aurthur
Here's a clip from the Today Show this morning. Bea Arthur's "Golden Girl's" co-stars Betty White and Rue McClanahan are on the phone to speak about their dear, late friend.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Nite-nite: Bea Arthur 1922-2009

Bea Arthur, famous for her height, deep, raspy voice and quick wit passed away due to complications from Cancer Saturday in her home at age 86. She was born in New York (as if you couldn't tell) and made a name for herself on the stage and screen. Her most notable roles were "Maude" in the 1970's which dealt with some provocative issues such as abortion (yeah, in the 1970's!) and Dorothy Zbornak, the substitute school teacher who, with her mother (played by the late Estelle Getty) found friendship living with two widows (played by Rue McClanahan and Betty White...both still alive). One thing I loved about her was her ability to laugh at herself. She was often the butt of jokes, even later in life but took them in stride. If you get a chance, check out the Comedy Central Roast of Pam Anderson. You can see just how well she took it...and dished it. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace Maude. Here's an interview with her from 2001:
Friday, April 24, 2009
Look both ways before crossing the street, even when being chased by a bear
This 5 month pregnant woman was chased by a bear, ran up onto the street, and got hit by a car. Her and baby are fine. The car took off. The poor bear was euthanized. At least he is being honored by the woman and her family as you will see in the video. Also, I can't help but chuckle at her recollection of running up to the street and her interaction with the stupid woman that hit her.
Susan Boyle extreme makeover
I had secretly hoped this wouldn't happen, but meek Scottish villager turned world famous internet sensation Susan Boyle has undergone a complete makeover. I have mixed feelings about this. Why make her look like everyone else? Part of her charm is that she is a plain Jane. I would have liked to see an album cover with her caterpillar eyebrows and chapped lips. So, how do you feel? Should Susan Boyle have rejected the makeover if she's comfortable in her own skin? Should she welcome it? Vote in the poll to your right.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
"OOPS" - Shep Smith realizes he just dropped the F-bomb on National TV
Now, I use the F word quite a bit when talking about Fox News. I use it as an adjective before referring to Fox News and I sometimes shout it at Bill O'Reilly. There is nothing wrong with me shouting that explitive at the tv. However, the FCC doesn't like when the TV shouts it back at you. If you have small children in the room, you might want to cover their ears around :35.
Time to put a fence along the south AND north border of Texas
At a "tax day tea party" rally last week, Governor Rick Perry of Texas shouted "secede" to a cheering crowd. It seems the rest of the country is cheering as well. "Go ahead...buh-bye" seems to be how most of the rest of the country feels about the notion of Texas seceeding from the Union. I do agree that if you don't like the direction that this country is (finally) going...leave. And if the majority of your state feels that way...take it with you. (No offense to my very good friends in McKinney, Texas...I will get a passport and come visit you. Will the stamp read "Liberal commie" when I pass through customs?)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
UPDATE: "A gay storm is coming!"
Some celebs have put together a hilarious video further mocking the stupid anti-gay "Storm" video. Watch, and laugh. (Thanks Antonio)
He's running!

Gavin Newsom, my mayor announced today that he is running for Governor of California. Learn more about his stance on important issues here. I cannot wait to campaign for him!
Monday, April 20, 2009
"A gay storm is coming!" ....but Stephen Colbert can help
This is a hilarious clip from The Colbert Report about Gay Marriage. There is a disgusting ad from the Defense of Marriage coalition trying to rally support for putting an end to same sex marriage. Colbert does a bit on it and does his "own commercial" ...too funny. Check it out.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Colbert Coalition's Anti-Gay Marriage Ad | ||||
colbertnation.com | ||||
Stephen Hawking very ill

Stephen Hawking, the wheelchair bound physicist was rushed to the hospital and is very ill. He has Lou Gehrig's disease. He's nearly completely paralyzed, cannot speak, and was not expected to survive into his 30's. He's now 67. What cracks me up about this guy is that in the mid-90's he left his wife for one of his nurses. Really? How does a guy who uses a Speak and Spell to communicate not only date, and get married, but manage to cheat on his wife and leave her for the nurse?!

Anyway, despite that, he's brilliant and so accomplished. Most people don't accomplish half of what he has in their lifetime and he has done it with such a severe disability. Here's hoping he gets well.
Happy stoner day. Here is a funny video from The Price is Right. This guy bids 420 over and over. Too bad for him the last girl bids $421 and gets it. Rude.
Friday, April 17, 2009
"Love aint the problem"
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Oh no, not another train wreck...
America didn't invent the tragic, tone-deaf, oblivious, talentless dreamer. And we did not create a venue for them to "perform"...Britain did! Long before "American Idol", there was the U.K.'s "Pop Idol". Long before "America's Got Talent", there was "Britain's Got Talent". So, enter Susan Boyle. I can't locate any clips that allow me to embed so you need to click on picture. Watch...and learn.

Moral of the story...don't judge a book by its cover!

Moral of the story...don't judge a book by its cover!
Friday, April 3, 2009
A kinder, friendlier G-20 summit
Is it just me or is this picture a little odd? I mean, this is what they release? Not exactly a formal portrait with the world's most powerful leaders. All that's missing is Prime Minister Gordon Brown doing rabbit ears behind Chinese President Hu Juntao. (PS, I like the mischievious look on the Saudi Prime Minister's face in the lower left corner)

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