Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Iowans, young and old speak out for marriage equality

Many of you have seen the video of the eloquent 19 year-old University of Iowa student who spoke in front of the Iowa state legislature a couple weeks back. If you haven't, it's worth watching. Check it out below.

Zach Wahls, who was raised by two mothers, speaks about his normal childhood and upbringing in a truly touching speech. This kid is a future lawmaker himself, if you ask me.

On the other end of the life experience spectrum, is Jean Argus. An 80 year-old native Iowan who speaks about her life in Iowa, her upbringing, and her role as mother to her gay son.

These two people: Proud Iowans, dedicated members of their family and community, and straight; share their personal stories and definition of family.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Testing a picture post!!
TEST: First blog entry via phone....

Hope this works!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Limousines Show - Rickshaw Stop, SF

It has been sooooo long since I've written on here. I'd like to start getting back into it. What better way to start than to post a few fun videos from The Limos show this week. What a great show! Sold out to an energetic crowd who were not disappointed! Great performances throughout the set. Here are a couple fun snipits. You can feel the energy. You should experience a Limousines show for yourself if you haven't yet.