Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is why I don't ride MUNI...

I have seen too many accidents, rude drivers, and now fights to use MUNI as my preferred form of transportation. I will take it on occasion, but only when absolutely necessary. Otherwise I will drive, cab it, or most preferably, scoot. Just my luck one of these crazy women will cut me off as I scoot down Market. Here's hoping they are permanent MUNI riders and not drivers!

Not gonna lie, quite entertaining to watch:

Friday, October 2, 2009

Joy Behar, Ann Coulter debate Sarah Palin

I know the title sounds like you are at the Cougar exhibit at the zoo but was actually a segment on Joy Behar's new show on HLN (check it out).

I love Joy Behar, and I love to hate Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter so this made for a very interesting segment for me. Enjoy: